A car�s vehicle identification number (VIN) is the identifying code for your SPECIFIC automobile. It is your car’s fingerprint.
It sets their vehicles apart from the millions of vehicles out there. Recently the VIN is reflected by 17 digit characters. It displays a car�s uniqueness and manufacturer and provides a method to trace your car from the factory to the junk yard. Your VIN can be used to track recalls, registrations, warranty claims, thefts and insurance coverage. If you want to know the history of your car visit our car vehicle identification number (VIN) service – VIN Number Search.
Common locations of the vehicle identification number (VIN) vary but the following are places to look:
- Firewall of the vehicle
- Left hand inner wheel arch
- Steering column
- Radiator Support Bracket
- Dash by windshield
- Drivers door or post on passenger side
- Guarantee & Maintenance Book *Vehicle documents
- Machined Pad on front of engine
- Component parts as listed above -eg- engine, frame, etc.
Later model years – most common area’s of VIN:
- Left instrumentation/dash plate by window
- Drivers door or post
- Firewall