Free VIN Decoder – Check VIN Number – VIN Lookup For Decoding Your Sterling Car History – Auto – Vehicle Identification Number
Look up vehicle identification numbers for all car makes and vehicle models, by year, from Sterling. Decode VIN number information on the following makes and models:Sterling 825, Sterling 827
** Please scroll down to see a complete VIN number decoding data chart. Vin Decoder **
What is a VIN Number?
A VIN number is a 17 character alpha/numeric serial number unique to each vehicle, by manufacturer, make, model and year. Each character in the VIN number can be decoded to determine where the car was built, what year, which automotive features are included and more. Together, all the VIN numbers create a history about your Sterling.
Where To Find The Vehicle Identification Number Tag
How to use this vehicle identification number information to decode your Sterling VIN number: First, either find your VIN number on your vehicle registration or car title or in vehicle maintenance records from your dealer. Additionally, you can find the VIN at various locations on your car. Frequently you can find your VIN number in one of the following locations: on the driver’s side door jam (sometimes on the passenger’s side), under the windshield on the driver’s side, near the firewall of the vehicle or on the steering column. Other places to search for a vehicle identification number include various locations under the hood of your car.
Learn how to find a VIN number on your car.
Now that you found your VIN Sterling number, you can start to decode your car, truck or automobile. The first character The first character indicates the country where the vehicle was manufactured. The United States has a VIN code of 1 or 4, while countries such as Japan (J) are designated with letters. To decode your VIN number, simply match your VIN characters to the chart below. Search first to find the model year for your car, then, in order to check VIN number to determine your car history details, match the corresponding position of your vehicle ID number to each of the fields below.
VIN Decoder Abbreviations
Here are handy VIN abbreviations. In example, a 2dr, 4WD, conv, LE would convert to a two door, 4 wheel drive, convertible, limited edition. Some of the most common abbreviations: 2 Dr = Two Door | 4 Dr = 4 Door | 4WD = 4 Four Wheel Drive | AB = Air Bag | AT = Automatic Transmission | Auto = Automatic | AWD = All Wheel Drive | Cyl = Cylinder | Conv = Convertible | Cpe = Coupe | Dr = Door or Drive | FWD = Front Wheel Drive | HB = Hatchback | HP = Horsepower | HT = Hard Top | L = Litre | LE = Limited Edition | LWB = Long Wheel Base | MPH = Miles Per Hour | PU or P/U = Pickup | RWD = Rear Wheel Drive | SE = Special Edition | Sed = Sedan | Spd = Speed | Spt = Sport | ST = Standard Transmission | Std = Standard | w/ = with | w/o = with out
8 = 825SL, 827SL
4 = 4 Door Sedan
B = Federal 2.5L Auto Trans
C = Calif 2.5L Man Trans
D = Calif 2.5L Auto Trans
G = Federal 2.7L Man Trans
H = Federal 2.7L Auto Trans
J = Calif 2.7L Man Trans
K = Calif 2.7L Auto Trans