State Transportation Web Sites

State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are government agencies responsible for managing transportation infrastructure within a specific state. They are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining highways, roads, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure. State DOTs also oversee the licensing of drivers, registration of vehicles, and the enforcement of transportation safety regulations. Additionally, they work with local governments and transportation authorities to coordinate transportation planning and ensure efficient use of resources. The mission of State DOTs is to provide safe and reliable transportation systems that support economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social equity for all residents of the state.

Alabama Department of Transportation

Alaska Department of Transportation

Arizona Department of Transportation

Arkansas Department of Transportation

California Department of Transportation

     California PATH: Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways

     California Division of Traffic Operations

     California Mass Transportation Program

Colorado Department of Transportation

Connecticut Department of Transportation

Delaware Department of Transportation

Florida Department of Transportation

     Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Georgia Department of Transportation

Hawaii Department of Transportation

     Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization

Idaho Transportation Department

Illinois Department of Transportation

Indiana Department of Transportation

     Indiana Road Detours and Construction

Iowa Department of Transportation

Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau

Kansas Department of Transportation

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet

Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development

Maine Department of Transportation

Maryland Department of Transportation

     Maryland State Highway Administration

Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and Construction

     Massachusetts Highway Department

Michigan Department of Transportation

Minnesota Department of Transportation

Mississippi Department of Transportation

Missouri Department of Transportation

     Missouri Division of Motor Carrier and Railroad Safety

Montana Department of Transportation

Nebraska Department of Roads

Nevada Department of Transportation

New Hampshire Department of Transportation

New Jersey Department of Transportation

     Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

New Mexico Highway and Transportation Department

New York State Department of Transportation

     New York Metropolitan Transportation Council

     Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

     Thruway Authority, New York State

North Carolina Department of Transportation

     NC Division of Highways

     ITRE: UNC Institute for Transportation Research and Education

North Dakota Department of Transportation

Ohio Department of Transportation

Oklahoma Department of Transportation

Oregon Department of Transportation

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

     Penn State Center For Intelligent Transportation Systems

Puerto Rico Department of Transportation and Public Works

Rhode Island Department of Transportation

South Carolina Department of Transportation

South Dakota Department of Transportation

Tennessee Department of Transportation

     Johnson City MPO

Texas Department of Transportation

     Texas Center for Transportation Research

     Texas Transportation Institute

Utah Department of Transportation

Vermont Agency of Transportation

Virginia Department of Transportation

Washington Department of Transportation

West Virginia Department of Transportation

Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Wyoming Department of Transportation